Define allowed property values at the event level
David Pearce
I'd like to specify that certain property values are allowed for one event, while different values are allowed for the same property on a different event.
Use case: "context", which represents location from which an action was taken (eg "home feed", "profile", "item details", etc.). The allowed values for this are different depending on the event.
Hugi Hlynsson
We've just shipped event-specific property values to all workspace in Avo! Learn more in the updated property documentation:
Svala Hjörleifsdóttir
Merged in a post:
Pin multiple values for properties
Problem - Need to pin multiple values for properties that are used across events
Use case example - Say, we have a property
that indicates the ui method used to trigger the event. For instance, we have events : flip-image, rotate-image. These events can be triggered via the properties panel or keyboard shortcut. Now, we have another event : share-project. This event can be triggered via the share panel or keyboard shortcut. We would like to use the same property ui.method
for all events but share-project can only take values share panel pr kbsc. For share-project event, I would like to pin both valuesA
Sharing our use cases as well:
We have many pre-defined events that share the same property names. This can be something as simple as a property "label".
We want to be able to define the description and the allowed property values per event. Right now we are creating new properties (e.g. subscription_label, navigation_item_label ...) for each event and use name mapping to map it back to "label".
One addition would be, that we are using Snowplow and so many of these properties are nested inside a Snowplow context. This means, we have two events that share the same context object, but should have different allowed property values.
One example, where I had to redefine most properties inside an snowplow object, because I had to either change the description, allowed values or even data type:
Please support defining allowed property values at an event level for properties added via property bundles, too.
Related to defining more granular property constraints:
In some cases, a property or allowed property value is only applicable for a subset of records within an event type.
- a property is required based on the value of another property
- the allowed values of a property depend on the value of another property
JSON schema supports defining these using conditionals (including if-then-else statements)
It would be great if we could define these constraints using Avo, too.
With this, Avo Inspector could report more event issues, and we could also utilize it to flag/reroute additional incorrect records.
Hugi Hlynsson
in progress
We are excited to announce that we are now working on providing event-specific property values to all of you loyal voters. Our goal is to simplify the process of defining property values, ensuring they only affect the intended events, while still maintaining a comprehensive view of all the potential values a property might have. If you have any last-minute additional context for us, now is the time to let us know!
As well as on the level of other object properties, where I can reuse properties. This is important for Snowplow objects.
Jake Schlack
This is something that my team desperately needs. Either this or the ability to edit comments so context-specific scenarios like these can be documented.
I think that your request is a duplicate of this one:
YES, we also have these cases. Like for example, we have "event_touchpoint" property that indicates where/how the event is triggered by a user. And every event has a different set of possible values.
Upvoting this request presenting our use-case. We have a few "fat" events such as:
- action_tap
- action_view
- action_success
- action_fail
and all share the same params:
- component (contains and ID of the content the user is interacting with)
- component_value (specifies on the status of the content)
Each instance of these events corresponds a single component pinned value. For each there is only a subset of allowed values for component_value. Most of the times these are couple of values like:
- on/off
- available/unavailable
- in_stock/not_in_stock
but there are cases with lists of more allowed values.
TL;DR: let me pin more than 1 value per parameter
Just wanted to add that in case you're managing Fat events with triggers rather than separate events, the property values should actually be defined at the trigger level
Alison Walker
Giorgio Seconded!!
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